Rabu, 11 November 2009
CorelDraw X4
Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4 merupakan software desain grafis, yang paling banyak dicari dan diminati oleh para desainer di indonesia dan juga dunia. Selain mudah digunakan, CorelDraw X4 saat ini telah di lengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung yang memudahkan para desainer untuk mendesain objek - objek grafis.
Bagi anda yang suka menggunakan software ini, tetapi corel yang anda gunakan masih versi yang lama, kini saatnya beralih. Pada CorelDraw X4 banyak fitur baru yang diberikan, dan juga perbaikan fitur - fitur dari versi sebelumnya, dan pada versi ini corel hadir lebih elegan.
Untuk review, fitur, dll silakan anda lihat disini.
Untuk dapat menikmati CorelDraw X4, sistem yang di butuhkan yaitu :
* Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit editions) or Windows® XP (with Service Pack 2 or later)
* 512 MB of RAM, 430 MB of hard disk space
* Pentium® III, 800 MHz processor or AMD Athlon™ XP
* 1,024 × 768 or better monitor resolution
* Mouse or tablet
Setelah PC atau laptop anda siap dan sistem sudah mendukung, silakan anda instal seperti biasa, lalu pada saat terdapat pilihan "I have a serial number" dan "I don't have..." pilih yang I have, lalu masukan serial number.
Untuk mendapatkan serial number, buka keygen yang anda download dari sini dengan nama "maniac download.exe" lalu klik key code, setelah muncul serial numbernya silakan anda copas ke corel.
Tetapi apabila anda sudah menginstal tanpa serial number (trial), ada sedikit perbedaan. Pada saat CorelDraw meminta serial silakan anda copas serial seperti cara diatas, lalu akan ada tombol yang muncul saat anda selesai mengisi serial number. Klik tombol yang muncul, lalu akan terdapat "instalation code", copas code tersebut kedalam keygen, lalu klik tombol "generate" pada keygen, setelah "Activation Code" muncul, copas code tersebut ke CorelDraw.
Untuk mendownload CorelDraw X4 dan Keygen, silakan anda klik link dibawah ini..
Antamedia Internet Cafe 5.4
spy software ( app pengintai )
Bagi anda yang membutuhkan software pengintai, ini ada beberapa software yg patut di coba...
selamat mencoba ..
1.Family Key Logger 2.83 (Pengintai Aktifitas PC Keluarga) Besar
File : 444kb Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_fkl
2.Golden Key Logger 4.54 (Pengintai Aktifitas Internet Anak Anda)
Besar File : 1004kb Download di: http://www.golden-keylogger.com/stat...oad_spyarsenal
3.Personal Inspectore 4.54 (Pengintai Aktifitas Berinternet Karyawan)
Besar File : 1,2Mb Download di: http://www.golden-keylogger.com/stat...oad_spyarsenal
4.Give Me Too (Pengintai Aktifitas Jaringan LAN) Besar File:1,1Mb
Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/network-sn...ive-me-too.zip
5.Print Monitor Pro (Pengintai Aktifitas Printer) Besar File: 1,2Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/stat.php?id=download_ pmpro32
6.AIM Key Logger (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas AIM) Besar File: 1,2Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_aim
7.ICQ Logger (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas ICQ) Besar File: 1,4Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_icq
8.Yahoo Logger (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas YM) Besar File: 1,8Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...download_yahoo
9.IRC Logger (Pengintai Program IRC Client) Besar File: 1,7Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_irc
10.Digi Watcher (Pengintai Aktifitas Video) Besar file : 1,3Mb
(watcher) dan 961kb (Remote View) Download di : http://www.digi-watcher.com/download.htm
11.Desktop Spy (Pengintai Aktifitas Komputer Denan Membentuk Capture)
Besar File : 602Kb Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/desktop-sp...-spy-agent.zip
12.Telephone Spy 3.0 (Pengintai dan Merekam Semua Pembicaraan
Telepon) Besar File: 2,1Mb Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/telephone-...ephone-spy.zip
13.Home Key Logger (Pengintai Aktifitas Keybord) Besar File: 160kb
Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/keylogger/keylogger.zip
14.Internet Spy (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas Browsing) Besar File:194kb
Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/internet-spy/internet-spy.zip
15.Print Monitor (Pengintai Semua Kegiatan Printer) Besar File: 369kb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_epm
16.Spy Arsenal Detective 1.00 (Pengintai Aktifitas PC Melalui Mobile)
Besar File: 697 Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...load_detective
semoga bermanfaat ...
selamat mencoba ..
1.Family Key Logger 2.83 (Pengintai Aktifitas PC Keluarga) Besar
File : 444kb Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_fkl
2.Golden Key Logger 4.54 (Pengintai Aktifitas Internet Anak Anda)
Besar File : 1004kb Download di: http://www.golden-keylogger.com/stat...oad_spyarsenal
3.Personal Inspectore 4.54 (Pengintai Aktifitas Berinternet Karyawan)
Besar File : 1,2Mb Download di: http://www.golden-keylogger.com/stat...oad_spyarsenal
4.Give Me Too (Pengintai Aktifitas Jaringan LAN) Besar File:1,1Mb
Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/network-sn...ive-me-too.zip
5.Print Monitor Pro (Pengintai Aktifitas Printer) Besar File: 1,2Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/stat.php?id=download_ pmpro32
6.AIM Key Logger (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas AIM) Besar File: 1,2Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_aim
7.ICQ Logger (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas ICQ) Besar File: 1,4Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_icq
8.Yahoo Logger (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas YM) Besar File: 1,8Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...download_yahoo
9.IRC Logger (Pengintai Program IRC Client) Besar File: 1,7Mb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_irc
10.Digi Watcher (Pengintai Aktifitas Video) Besar file : 1,3Mb
(watcher) dan 961kb (Remote View) Download di : http://www.digi-watcher.com/download.htm
11.Desktop Spy (Pengintai Aktifitas Komputer Denan Membentuk Capture)
Besar File : 602Kb Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/desktop-sp...-spy-agent.zip
12.Telephone Spy 3.0 (Pengintai dan Merekam Semua Pembicaraan
Telepon) Besar File: 2,1Mb Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/telephone-...ephone-spy.zip
13.Home Key Logger (Pengintai Aktifitas Keybord) Besar File: 160kb
Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/keylogger/keylogger.zip
14.Internet Spy (Pengintai Semua Aktifitas Browsing) Besar File:194kb
Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/internet-spy/internet-spy.zip
15.Print Monitor (Pengintai Semua Kegiatan Printer) Besar File: 369kb
Download di : http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...d=download_epm
16.Spy Arsenal Detective 1.00 (Pengintai Aktifitas PC Melalui Mobile)
Besar File: 697 Download di: http://www.spyarsenal.com/statdir/st...load_detective
semoga bermanfaat ...
mau jadi agen penjual pulsa???
segera lah bergabung bersama kami...
ckup dengan satu chip yang sekarang anda miliki, maka anda bisa langsung bisa berjualan pulsa, kepada siapapun dan dimana pun seluruh Indonesia...
dan caranya cukup mudah, cukup tunjukan no hp anda, kemudian transferlah sejumlah uang sebagai deposit, maka waktu itu jg anda langsung bisa buat transaksi..
apakah anda berminat???
hub. 085214804000
Operator Kode Nominal Operator Kode Nominal
Simpati S5 5,000 XL XL5 5,000
S10 10,000 XL10 10,000
S20 20,000 XL25 25,000
S50 50,000 XL50 50,000
S100 100,000 XL100 100,000
As A5 5,000 FLEXI F5 5,000
A10 10,000 F10 10,000
A25 25,000 F20 20,000
A50 50,000 F50 50,000
A100 100,000 F100 100,000
Mentari M5 5,000 Fren FR10 10,000
M10 10,000 FR25 25,000
M20 20,000 FR50 50,000
M25 25,000 FR100 100,000
M50 50,000 Axis AX5 5,000
M100 100,000 AX10 10,000
Im3 I5 5,000 AX20 20,000
I10 10,000 AX25 25,000
I20 20,000 AX50 50,000
I25 25,000 AX100 100,000
I50 50,000 THREE T5 5,000
I100 100,000 T10 10,000
Im3 sms I5S sms T20 20,000
I8S 200 sms T30 30,000
I30S 2000 sms T50 50,000
Im3 gprs I5G 5 gprs T100 100,000
Transaksi Pengisian Pulsa Pendaftaran Gratis
Format Sms : Kode.No Hp Tujuan.PIN Minimal Deposit : Rp.50,000;
Contoh : S10.081327123456.1234
Multi Transaksi Pengisian Pulsa
Format Sms : Kode.No Hp Tujuan,Kode.No Hp Tujuan.PIN
Contoh : S10.081327123456,M25.081578123456.1234
Transaksi dengan Nomor dan Nominal sama dalam 1 x 24 jam
Format Sms : isi2.Kode.No Hp Tujuan.PIN
Contoh : isi2.M25.081578123456.1234
Ganti PIN
Contoh : GANTIPIN.4321.1234
Cek Saldo
Format Sms : SAL.PIN
Contoh : SAL.1234
XL : 081 903 315 665 / AS : 085 227 217 403
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi Sdr. Heru. Telp : 085 214 80 4000
segera lah bergabung bersama kami...
ckup dengan satu chip yang sekarang anda miliki, maka anda bisa langsung bisa berjualan pulsa, kepada siapapun dan dimana pun seluruh Indonesia...
dan caranya cukup mudah, cukup tunjukan no hp anda, kemudian transferlah sejumlah uang sebagai deposit, maka waktu itu jg anda langsung bisa buat transaksi..
apakah anda berminat???
hub. 085214804000
Operator Kode Nominal Operator Kode Nominal
Simpati S5 5,000 XL XL5 5,000
S10 10,000 XL10 10,000
S20 20,000 XL25 25,000
S50 50,000 XL50 50,000
S100 100,000 XL100 100,000
As A5 5,000 FLEXI F5 5,000
A10 10,000 F10 10,000
A25 25,000 F20 20,000
A50 50,000 F50 50,000
A100 100,000 F100 100,000
Mentari M5 5,000 Fren FR10 10,000
M10 10,000 FR25 25,000
M20 20,000 FR50 50,000
M25 25,000 FR100 100,000
M50 50,000 Axis AX5 5,000
M100 100,000 AX10 10,000
Im3 I5 5,000 AX20 20,000
I10 10,000 AX25 25,000
I20 20,000 AX50 50,000
I25 25,000 AX100 100,000
I50 50,000 THREE T5 5,000
I100 100,000 T10 10,000
Im3 sms I5S sms T20 20,000
I8S 200 sms T30 30,000
I30S 2000 sms T50 50,000
Im3 gprs I5G 5 gprs T100 100,000
Transaksi Pengisian Pulsa Pendaftaran Gratis
Format Sms : Kode.No Hp Tujuan.PIN Minimal Deposit : Rp.50,000;
Contoh : S10.081327123456.1234
Multi Transaksi Pengisian Pulsa
Format Sms : Kode.No Hp Tujuan,Kode.No Hp Tujuan.PIN
Contoh : S10.081327123456,M25.081578123456.1234
Transaksi dengan Nomor dan Nominal sama dalam 1 x 24 jam
Format Sms : isi2.Kode.No Hp Tujuan.PIN
Contoh : isi2.M25.081578123456.1234
Ganti PIN
Contoh : GANTIPIN.4321.1234
Cek Saldo
Format Sms : SAL.PIN
Contoh : SAL.1234
XL : 081 903 315 665 / AS : 085 227 217 403
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi Sdr. Heru. Telp : 085 214 80 4000
Rabu, 04 November 2009
Minggu, 13 September 2009
DRIVER Parallel Lines - PC
Ripped: Musics and Videos, other langs
Language: English
Info :
New York in '78 was the coolest place on the planet. I was new to the Big Apple, just a country boy looking to make it good. In just a few weeks it felt like home. From New Jersey to Queens, from the Bronx down to Battery this was my patch, my backyard. 28 years later and the city sparkled like new but underneath, the filth was still there, and I had vengeance crawling inside me.
- Experience Open Environments Racing in Two Distinct Time Periods - Multiple paths to complete over 35 missions across photo-realistic 1978 & 2006 New York City
- Control and Customize Over 80 Drivable Vehicles - Including cars, motorcycles, and trucks - all integrated with a realistic vehicle damage system
- Authentic Hollywood- style Action - Experience adrenaline pumping high speed racing and car chases
- Massive Enhancements Over Previous Driver games -Including AI, graphics, physics, and more!
- Improved graphics thanks to both Environmental and Normal Mapping technology
- Get into action faster by Teleporting: allow the player to move quicker through the city
- Tune both cops aggressiveness and traffic density
- Easily playable both with Mouse + Keyboard and with Controllers (including Microsoft Common Controller)
Password Download: demon6666
BAJA 1000 RiP - PC
Minimum System Requirements
* Windows XP/Vista
* DirectX 9.0c
* Pentium III 1.3 Ghz processor
* Memory 512MB
* HDD 1.5 GB free
* Graphics Card 128 MB DirectX compatible
* Sound card 16-bit
Race Driver: GRID - PC
Requisitos Minimos
* Windows XP/Vista. (If running Windows Vista, SP1 is recommended)
* DirectX 9.0c
* Pentium 4 @ 3.0GHz or Athlon 64 3000+
* 1GB RAM.
* Graphics Card: GeForce 6800 / Radeon X1300 or above
* DirectX Compatible Sound Card
* Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive
* 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space
Requisitos Recomendados
* Windows XP/Vista. (If running Windows Vista, SP1 is recommended)
* DirectX 9.0c
* Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.66Ghz or Athlon X2 3800+
* 2GB RAM.
* Graphics Card: GeForce 8800 or Radeon X1950
* Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Sound Card.
* Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive
* 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space
Death Track - Resurrection - PC
Recommended System Requirements
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP
Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor 1.86GHz (E6300)
Memory: 1 GB
Video card: 3D-graphics card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800+, ATI® Radeon™ X1800+ with 256 MB RAM and support of pixel and vertex 2.0 version
Sound card: DVD-ROM
Hard disc: 1GB available at the hard drive
1) Unrar
2) Burn or Mount
3) Install
4) Enjoy
The Path - PC
Monsters vs Aliens - PC
*OS: Windows XP/Vista
*Processor: Pentium® 4 1.8GHz or Athlon XP™ 2400+ or higher processor
*Memory: 512 MB of RAM (XP), 1 GB of RAM (Vista)
*Hard Drive: 7.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games)
*Video card: NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 7600 GS 256 MB RAM or All ATI Radeon ™ X1600XT 256 MB RAM
*CD ROM: 6x Speed DVD-ROM (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers
SAS: Secure Tomorrow - PC
About Game:
Well organized terrorist grouping has got out the leader of carefully protected prison. Business undertakes SAS. During this moment still nobody suspects, how much the situation will leave from under the control. Enter elite military formation and support struggle against terrorism. Excellent preparation and the advanced equipment will provide advantage above the enemy.
Features of game:
+ Participate in missions which pass in rebellious prison, in the financial center of London, in ice deserts of Greenland or in territory of a underground nuclear reactor.
+ At any moment of game switch carbine M4 from assault in a sniper mode.
+ Use standard equipment SAS, including the device of night vision, светошумовые pomegranates M84 or gas mask S10.
+ Exterminate enemies and rescue hostages, applying elements of unexpectedness and pomegranates of shock action.
+ Compete with friends in the multiuser game - up to 16 players in three game modes.
About a file:
Type of the edition: the License
code: Is present
The Format of a file: .iso
The Platform: PC
The minimal System requirements:
System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista
The processor: CPU 2.0 GHz
Memory: 512 Mb
Video-card: GeForce FX5700 or Radeon 9700 with memory 128 MB
Audio-card: compatible with DirectX
Mirrors Edge - PC
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action- adventure is your story. Mirror�s Edge delivers you straight into the shoes of this unique heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat and fast paced chases. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith�s world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous. Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain, in this city you will learn how to run. Move yourself: String together an amazing arsenal of wall-runs, leaps, vaults and more, in fluid, acrobatic movements that turns every level of the urban environment to your advantage and salvation. Immerse yourself: In first person every breath, every collision, every impact is acutely felt. Heights create real vertigo, movements flow naturally, collisions and bullet impacts create genuine fear and adrenaline. Challenge yourself: Fight or flight. Your speed and agility allow you not only to evade, capture and perform daring escapes, but also to disable and disarm unwary opponents, in a mix of chase, puzzles, strategy and intense combat. Free yourself: Runner vision allows you to see the city as they do. See the flow. Rooftops become pathways and conduits, opportunities and escape routes. The flow is what keeps you running � what keeps you alive.
http://ugotfile.com/file/76603/Mirrors Edge - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76596/Mirrors Edge - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76597/Mirrors Edge - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76604/Mirrors Edge - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76598/Mirrors Edge - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76599/Mirrors Edge - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76608/Mirrors Edge - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76611/Mirrors Edge - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76616/Mirrors Edge - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76605/Mirrors Edge - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76606/Mirrors Edge - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76600/Mirrors Edge - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76813/Mirrors Edge - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76613/Mirrors Edge - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76798/Mirrors Edge - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76801/Mirrors Edge - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76809/Mirrors Edge - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76609/Mirrors Edge - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76617/Mirrors Edge - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76618/Mirrors Edge - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76612/Mirrors Edge - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76803/Mirrors Edge - PC.part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76799/Mirrors Edge - PC.part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76802/Mirrors Edge - PC.part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76800/Mirrors Edge - PC.part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76807/Mirrors Edge - PC.part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76810/Mirrors Edge - PC.part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76804/Mirrors Edge - PC.part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76808/Mirrors Edge - PC.part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76812/Mirrors Edge - PC.part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/76805/Mirrors Edge - PC.part31.rar
The Royal Marines Commando - PC (2009)
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista, DirectX 9.0c (attached to DVD) or later
CPU 2.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM (1GB for Windows Vista)
Video GeForce FX5700 or Radeon 9700 with 128 MB memory
3 GB of free hard disk space (4GB for Windows Vista)
4x DVD-ROM or higher speed
16-bit sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0
Broadband Internet connection or LAN (for multiplayer games)
A mouse, keyboard
1941 and the German War machine is ravaging Europe. The British intelligence obtains classified documents detailing the development of a new type of German U-boat submarine. This technology will give the Nazis worldwide naval supremacy and a great advantage over the allies. The Royal Marines Commandos are sent into action.
Crack: Updating.
Stormrise - PC (2009)
Year: 2009
Company: SEGA
Langs: Английский (ENG), Французкий (FRE), Испанский (SPA), Итальянский (ITA)
Size: 3.4 GB
Min System :
OS: Microsoft Windows Vista(SP1 or later)
CPU: 2.8 GHz Dual core CPU
GPU: ATI 2400 / NVIDIA 8400
Memory: 1GB
HDD: 9GB of Hard Drive Space
Sound Card
Max System :
OS: Microsoft Windows Vista(SP1 or later)
CPU: 2.4 GHz Quad core
GPU: NVIDIA 8800 or ATI 4850
Memory 2GB
HDD: 9GB of Hard Drive Space
Sound Card
Wanted Weapons Of Fate - PC - (2009)
1. Download and install DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced-Testversion
Downloads :: DAEMON-Tools.cc
- E-Mail must have!!! To register (use FakeMail)
2. Add IDE Drive!!! After mount Wanted
3. In the advanced prefereces "SafeDisc, SecureRom und CD-R" turn on
4. Download and install DTE Tools
Disk-Tools.com - Published Software Download
- This exe move into Daemon Tools folder and start it
- Right click on the drive and hide both
START Very Happy
Transformers The Game - PC
Based on Paramount Pictures' live-action feature film, Transformers: The Game lets gamers control the outcome in the battle for Earth as they choose to protect it as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons and experience the unstoppable power and massive scale of their favorite robots in disguise. As the Transformers’ war comes to Earth, gamers make the choice to join the Autobots in protecting our planet or to join the Decepticons in destroying it. With dual campaigns, the fate of the world is in players' hands.
-3D hardware accelerator card required 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 64MB
video card and drivers*
-Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista
-Pentium® 4 2.0GHz or Athlon® 2.0GHz or higher processor
-256MB of RAM (1GB for Windows® Vista)
-4 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 300 MB for the Windows(R) swap file
and 1MB free for saved games)
-DirectX 9.0c (Included)
-100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers
-100% Windows XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers
-100% Windows XP-compatible quad speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained
transfer rate)
-All NVIDIA® GeForce® 4 Ti 4200 64MB and better chipsets
-All ATI® Radeon® 8500 64MB and better chipsets
-100% Windows XP-compatible gamepad (optional) (Game controller with 10 or more buttons and dual analog sticks required)
1.Extract rar
2.Burn Or Mount With Daemon Tools To INstall
3.Find Crack Or Serial Number IF NOT ON DISK OR FOLDER
4.Play Enjoy
Password Download: www.megauploadforum.net
Sabtu, 12 September 2009
NecroVisioN - PC
Necrovision is a first-person shooter set in the World War I era in which you must battle vampires and demons.
NecroVision Info
* Publisher: Aspyr
* Developer: Farm 51
* Genre: Fantasy First-Person Shooter
* Release Date: May 15, 2009
System Requirements:
* Operating System: Microsoft? Windows? XP Service Pack 2, Vista (Operating System must be up to date with the latest patches)
* Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or AMD Athlon 64 +2800
* Memory: 1 GB RAM (Microsoft? Windows? XP) / 1.5GB (Microsoft? Windows? Vista)
* Graphic Card: 256 MB Video RAM or greater with DirectX9 Pixel Shader 3.0 support (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X1600 or better)
* Disk Space: 8.0 GB available hard drive space
* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compliant soundcard, plus speakers or headphones
Recommended System Requirements:
* Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Vista (Operating System must be up to date and include the latest fixes)
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.80 GHz or AMD X2 5000+ or better
* Memory: 2 GB RAM or more
* Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 series or ATI Radeon HD 38xx series or better
* Disk Space: 8.0 GB available hard drive space
* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compliant soundcard, plus speakers or headphones
Game Features:
* Intense and explosive fights
* Huge boss battles
* Combat System + Spell System
* Mix of realistic and fantasy weapons, enemies, levels
* Interactive elements and simple riddles adding depth to the overall gameplay experience
http://ugotfile.com/file/73469/NecroVisioN - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73480/NecroVisioN - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73487/NecroVisioN - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73468/NecroVisioN - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73504/NecroVisioN - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73474/NecroVisioN - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73484/NecroVisioN - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73476/NecroVisioN - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73467/NecroVisioN - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73493/NecroVisioN - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73483/NecroVisioN - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73498/NecroVisioN - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73502/NecroVisioN - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73513/NecroVisioN - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73494/NecroVisioN - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73489/NecroVisioN - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73496/NecroVisioN - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73505/NecroVisioN - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73510/NecroVisioN - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73519/NecroVisioN - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73485/NecroVisioN - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/73490/NecroVisioN - PC.part22.rar
Password Download: www.webpunkt.ru
The Last Remnant - PC
In ancient times, mysterious artefacts referred to as Remnants were discovered all over the world. Offering incredible power, they soon came into the hands of the covetous few, and thus was the world’s delicate equilibrium shattered. The people were divided into those who ruled and those who were ruled over. War was inevitable. Our story begins a thousand years later…
Rush lives with his sister Irina on the secluded Eulam Island, a place far removed from the ceaseless battle for control over the Remnants which rages on the mainland. However, his peaceful life is shattered one day when he witnesses his sister’s abduction by a mysterious group of soldiers. He immediately sets off after them, ill-prepared for the evils of the outside world but determined to find his sister at any cost.
A cutting-edge new adventure from Square Enix and the creators of the FINAL FANTASY series
Innovative new battle system that allows for large scale battles delivered with an unrivalled cinematic intensity
Selective Encounter System allows you to engage the enemy your way, eliminating random battles
Unreal Engine 3 takes Square Enix’s legendary production values to the next level
Fully localised for PAL territories with French, German, Spanish and Italian subtitles and menu screens
New features not included in the original Xbox 360 release version
http://ugotfile.com/file/72409/The Last Remnant - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72410/The Last Remnant - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72412/The Last Remnant - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72411/The Last Remnant - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72417/The Last Remnant - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72418/The Last Remnant - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72414/The Last Remnant - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72416/The Last Remnant - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72413/The Last Remnant - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72415/The Last Remnant - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72420/The Last Remnant - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72422/The Last Remnant - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72425/The Last Remnant - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72424/The Last Remnant - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72419/The Last Remnant - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72421/The Last Remnant - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72430/The Last Remnant - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72426/The Last Remnant - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72427/The Last Remnant - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/80088/The Last Remnant - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72429/The Last Remnant - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72428/The Last Remnant - PC.part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72432/The Last Remnant - PC.part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/72431/The Last Remnant - PC.part24.rar
Tekken Tag - PC
Tekken Tag Tournament, being a non-canon game, features no storyline. It is more of a compilation of the Tekken series giving fans the opportunity to play as almost every character in the series up to that point.
Much debate has come from fans regarding the game's boss character Unknown. Most speculate that Tekken Tag Tournament features all the fighters exsisting in a dream world, all coming to together (and subsequently) teaming up to fight a common evil. Some consensus regarding these speculations are evident by Unknown's CG ending, where she (apparently) escapes from the Wolf demon sprit possessing her body, as well as Ogre's ending depicting him (it) about to engage in a fight with Unknown. However, only further games may tell if these speculations (and Unknown's history) are notable to any canon.
http://ugotfile.com/file/71364/Tekken Tag - PC.part1.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/71366/Tekken Tag - PC.part2.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/71363/Tekken Tag - PC.part3.rar
Password Download: www.fullpcgamez.tk
Battle Rage: The Robot Wars - PC
Battle Rage consists elements of the beat’em up game that allows a player to control giant robots. Battles between the robots take place on carefully selected battlegrounds (so called “arenas”) and they are short, quick, brutal skirmishes. The player can fight alone (versus one, two or even three opponents) or in the team with one sidekick. Every machine has it’s own weapons (for melee and distance combat), additional weapon types can be collected on the arena. The player can modify robot’s parameters in the single player mode as well as in the multiplayer to fit it’s possibilities to his/her own fighting style. Also many new, powerful robots will wait for the player to unlock in the story mode.
http://ugotfile.com/file/69534/Battle Rage - The Robot Wars - PC.zip
Utawarerumono (Eng) - PC
Genre: History, Visual Novel, RPG, Tactic, Hentai
Language: Japanese with English Patch
File Size: 1.2 GB (uncompressed)
Format: .ISO (DVD-ISO) splitted on 10 rar parts
Downlaod all the parts to one folder and extract with winrar or 7zip.
Total compressed size (all parts together) : 906 mb
1. Download all parts, then extract it with Winrar
2. Mount "UTAWARE_DVD.iso" with Daemon Tools
3. Run the English Patch and follow the Instructions to install the Game
4. Keep the DVD.iso mounted and just run the game from the desktop icon or startmenu to play it
System requirements:
1. Windows 98/ME/XP with DirectX 8.1 or higher installed
2. Pentium III 500MHz or more
3. 64MB RAM or more (128MB or more recommended for 2000/XP)
4. 640x480 resolution, Full Color (at least 1,6770,000 colors)
5. 1.65 GB free hard drive space or higher
6. DirectSound or compatible soundcard.
7. DVD-ROM drive, at least 2x read capability
8. Mouse and keyboard
http://ugotfile.com/file/69363/Utawarerumono - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69362/Utawarerumono - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69364/Utawarerumono - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69365/Utawarerumono - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69366/Utawarerumono - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69367/Utawarerumono - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69370/Utawarerumono - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69372/Utawarerumono - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69369/Utawarerumono - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69368/Utawarerumono - PC.part10.rar
Pass Unrar: www.rapidgamez.com
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh - PC
A complex, multi-layered mystery adventure, Watchmen will take us to the brink of destruction. In alternate 1985 America – in which costumed superheroes are not only real but have ultimately been outlawed – one former hero goes looking for the truth behind the murder of one of his own, but uncovers a devastating conspiracy to drag the world implacably closer to its own end.
The videogame based on WATCHMEN will go beyond the film and delve into the characters, rivalries and challenges in a mature action-brawler. The game provides gamers with visceral superhero combat as urban vigilantes Rorschach and Nite Owl.
Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1+ (32bit & 64bit), Vista SP1+ (32bit & 64bit)
Processor: 1.8GhWatchmenz 64bit (dual core)
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 2GB Available HDD Space
Video Card: Geforce® 6 Series or greater, ATI Radeon™ x800 series or greater, shader 3.0 and 256MB video memory required
Sound Card: DirectX® compatible sound card
Internet Connection: Broadband Internet Connection
DirectX® Version: DirectX® 9.0c
Pass: rotam
F.E.A.R 2 - PC
Published by: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developed by: Monolith Productions
Release Date: February 10, 2009
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz (3.2 for Vista)/Athlon 64 3000+ (3200+ for Vista)
Memory: 1 GB (1.5 GB for Vista)
Hard Drive: 12 GB Free
Video Memory: 256 MB Shader Model 2.0b (nVidia GeForce 6800/ATI X700)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive
Broadband Internet Connection for Online Features
Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2 GHz/Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (Required to host Multiplayer matches)
Memory: 1.5 GB
Hard Drive: 12 GB Free
Video Memory: 512 MB Shader Model 3.0 (nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS/ATI HD 2900 XT)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c or 10
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive
http://ugotfile.com/file/58736/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r00
http://ugotfile.com/file/58588/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r01
http://ugotfile.com/file/58694/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r02
http://ugotfile.com/file/58579/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r03
http://ugotfile.com/file/58717/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r04
http://ugotfile.com/file/58697/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r05
http://ugotfile.com/file/58714/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r06
http://ugotfile.com/file/58735/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r07
http://ugotfile.com/file/58699/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r08
http://ugotfile.com/file/58557/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r09
http://ugotfile.com/file/58551/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r10
http://ugotfile.com/file/58600/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r11
http://ugotfile.com/file/58724/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r12
http://ugotfile.com/file/58602/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r13
http://ugotfile.com/file/58685/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r14
http://ugotfile.com/file/58715/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r15
http://ugotfile.com/file/58696/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r16
http://ugotfile.com/file/58719/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r17
http://ugotfile.com/file/58687/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r18
http://ugotfile.com/file/58739/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r19
http://ugotfile.com/file/58701/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r20
http://ugotfile.com/file/58581/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r21
http://ugotfile.com/file/58737/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r22
http://ugotfile.com/file/58730/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r23
http://ugotfile.com/file/58540/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r24
http://ugotfile.com/file/58533/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r25
http://ugotfile.com/file/58725/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r26
http://ugotfile.com/file/58578/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r27
http://ugotfile.com/file/58692/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r28
http://ugotfile.com/file/58535/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r29
http://ugotfile.com/file/58705/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r30
http://ugotfile.com/file/58556/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r31
http://ugotfile.com/file/58684/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r32
http://ugotfile.com/file/58678/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r33
http://ugotfile.com/file/58613/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r34
http://ugotfile.com/file/58513/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r35
http://ugotfile.com/file/58515/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r36
http://ugotfile.com/file/58586/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r37
http://ugotfile.com/file/58727/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r38
http://ugotfile.com/file/58508/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r39
http://ugotfile.com/file/58734/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r40
http://ugotfile.com/file/58558/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r41
http://ugotfile.com/file/58726/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r42
http://ugotfile.com/file/58555/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r43
http://ugotfile.com/file/58690/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r44
http://ugotfile.com/file/58674/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r45
http://ugotfile.com/file/58547/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r46
http://ugotfile.com/file/58597/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r47
http://ugotfile.com/file/58713/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r48
http://ugotfile.com/file/58712/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r49
http://ugotfile.com/file/58554/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r50
http://ugotfile.com/file/58549/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r51
http://ugotfile.com/file/58723/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r52
http://ugotfile.com/file/58591/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r53
http://ugotfile.com/file/58598/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r54
http://ugotfile.com/file/58738/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r55
http://ugotfile.com/file/58695/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r56
http://ugotfile.com/file/58679/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r57
http://ugotfile.com/file/58564/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r58
http://ugotfile.com/file/58677/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r59
http://ugotfile.com/file/58552/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r60
http://ugotfile.com/file/58718/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r61
http://ugotfile.com/file/58507/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r62
http://ugotfile.com/file/58720/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r63
http://ugotfile.com/file/58681/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r64
http://ugotfile.com/file/58728/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r65
http://ugotfile.com/file/58683/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r66
http://ugotfile.com/file/58704/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r67
http://ugotfile.com/file/58599/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r68
http://ugotfile.com/file/58577/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r69
http://ugotfile.com/file/58691/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r70
http://ugotfile.com/file/58541/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r71
http://ugotfile.com/file/58716/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r72
http://ugotfile.com/file/58711/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r73
http://ugotfile.com/file/58562/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r74
http://ugotfile.com/file/58596/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r75
http://ugotfile.com/file/58506/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r76
http://ugotfile.com/file/58689/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r77
http://ugotfile.com/file/58609/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r78
http://ugotfile.com/file/58721/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r79
http://ugotfile.com/file/58536/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r80
http://ugotfile.com/file/58740/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r81
http://ugotfile.com/file/58582/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r82
http://ugotfile.com/file/58595/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r83
http://ugotfile.com/file/58523/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/58698/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.sfv
http://ugotfile.com/file/58542/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r00
http://ugotfile.com/file/58710/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r01
http://ugotfile.com/file/58543/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r02
http://ugotfile.com/file/58702/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r03
http://ugotfile.com/file/58544/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r04
http://ugotfile.com/file/58682/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r05
http://ugotfile.com/file/58548/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r06
http://ugotfile.com/file/58633/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r07
http://ugotfile.com/file/58516/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r08
http://ugotfile.com/file/58620/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r09
http://ugotfile.com/file/58603/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r10
http://ugotfile.com/file/58509/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r11
http://ugotfile.com/file/58700/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r12
http://ugotfile.com/file/58626/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r13
http://ugotfile.com/file/58654/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r14
http://ugotfile.com/file/58688/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r15
http://ugotfile.com/file/58589/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r16
http://ugotfile.com/file/58741/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r17
http://ugotfile.com/file/58546/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r18
http://ugotfile.com/file/58733/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r19
http://ugotfile.com/file/58707/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r20
http://ugotfile.com/file/58572/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r21
http://ugotfile.com/file/58706/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r22
http://ugotfile.com/file/58742/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r23
http://ugotfile.com/file/58731/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r24
http://ugotfile.com/file/58703/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r25
http://ugotfile.com/file/58743/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r26
http://ugotfile.com/file/58604/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r27
http://ugotfile.com/file/58732/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r28
http://ugotfile.com/file/58532/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r29
http://ugotfile.com/file/58708/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r30
http://ugotfile.com/file/58644/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r31
http://ugotfile.com/file/58686/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r32
http://ugotfile.com/file/58709/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r33
http://ugotfile.com/file/58565/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r34
http://ugotfile.com/file/58514/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r35
http://ugotfile.com/file/58680/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/58566/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.sfv
http://ugotfile.com/file/58729/F.E.A.R 2 - PC tl.nfo
C&C Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC
This is the Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 single play expansion UPRISING. this game does not needs Red Alert 3 itself. so you dont need anything else to play this game.
System Requirements
* OS – Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista (32-bit)
* CPU – any Intel Core Duo machine;
* XP: Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2100+ or better
* Vista: Intel Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2800+ or better
* RAM – 1 GB
* Hard drive – at least 10 GB of free space
* Video – DirectX 9.0c compatible video card NVIDIA GeForce6800 or better, ATI Radeon X800 or better
* Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card* (Yamaha Xwave 512 is not supported)
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising Download File Size
5.5 GB
Electronic Arts
http://ugotfile.com/file/68197/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68199/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68205/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68204/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68208/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68210/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68211/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68214/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68215/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68218/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68217/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68220/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68224/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68225/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68227/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68229/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68230/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68231/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68232/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68233/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68234/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68238/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68241/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68240/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68245/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68244/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68246/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68247/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68251/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68256/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68254/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68255/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68261/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68259/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68262/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68260/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68263/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68264/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68266/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part39.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68265/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part40.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68267/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part41.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68268/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part42.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68269/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part43.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68270/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part44.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68272/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part45.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68271/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part46.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68273/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part47.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68277/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part48.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68275/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part49.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68274/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part50.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68276/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part51.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68280/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part52.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68286/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part53.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68278/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part54.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68281/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part55.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68279/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part56.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68284/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part57.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68285/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part58.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68283/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part59.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69555/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC (Crack).rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69556/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.rar
Pass: megauploadforum.net
Combat Wings Battle of Britain (2009) - PC
There¿s something new in the air, and it¿s more than just the deadly hum of hundreds of German war planes¿ As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive on Britain, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat two new planes that will ensure their victory. You¿ll have to hold off the enemy in your Hurricane or Spitfire. If you survive, you¿ll be the first to fly England¿s last hope of defense into combat, the Hawker tornado and Westland Whirlwind to deliver a decisive blow to the German offensive.
* Twenty Five missions that tests your skills as a fighter pilot, tail gunner and AA gun commander
* Realistic damage and outstanding special effects
* Choose between arcade and flight simulator control modes, and the RAF or the Luftwaffe in multi-player mode
http://ugotfile.com/file/68389/Combat Wings Battle of Britain (2009) - PC.Part1.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68390/Combat Wings Battle of Britain (2009) - PC.Part2.rar
Pass: www.oyuncehennemi.com
Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Minimum System Requirements
· Windows XP or Windows Vista
· 2.0GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent. SSE capable processor required.
· 512MB RAM (1.0 GB for Windows Vista)
· 9.0 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space
· DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent.
· DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
· Keyboard and Mouse
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Recommended System Requirements
· Windows XP or Windows Vista
· 3.0GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent
· 1.0 GB RAM
· 9.0 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space
· 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or better
· DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
· Keyboard and Mouse
· Broadband Internet Connection
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Multiplayer Requirements
· 1.0 GB RAM required for Multiplayer and Skirmish
· Recommended System Requirements to support 6-8 player multiplayer and skirmish.
· Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported.
· Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers.
· LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.
http://ugotfile.com/file/68392/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68393/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68394/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68397/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68396/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68395/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68398/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68400/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68399/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68407/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68401/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68402/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68403/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68404/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68408/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68406/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68464/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68405/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68412/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68413/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68409/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68410/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68411/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68414/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68415/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68419/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68420/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68418/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68416/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68417/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68422/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68424/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68425/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68428/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68426/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68431/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68427/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68430/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68432/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part39.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68434/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part40.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68429/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part41.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68433/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part42.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68435/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part43.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68436/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part44.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68437/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part45.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68438/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part46.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68442/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part47.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68441/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part48.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68439/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part49.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68447/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part50.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68444/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part51.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68443/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part52.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68445/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part53.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68446/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part54.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68448/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part55.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68450/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part56.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68449/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part57.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68451/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part58.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68452/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part59.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68454/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part60.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68453/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part61.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68455/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part62.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68458/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part63.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68456/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part64.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68459/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part65.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68461/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part66.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68460/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part67.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68457/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part68.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68462/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part69.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68463/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part70.rar
Pass: www.megauploadforum.lolco.net
Published by: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developed by: Monolith Productions
Release Date: February 10, 2009
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz (3.2 for Vista)/Athlon 64 3000+ (3200+ for Vista)
Memory: 1 GB (1.5 GB for Vista)
Hard Drive: 12 GB Free
Video Memory: 256 MB Shader Model 2.0b (nVidia GeForce 6800/ATI X700)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive
Broadband Internet Connection for Online Features
Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2 GHz/Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (Required to host Multiplayer matches)
Memory: 1.5 GB
Hard Drive: 12 GB Free
Video Memory: 512 MB Shader Model 3.0 (nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS/ATI HD 2900 XT)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c or 10
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive
http://ugotfile.com/file/58736/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r00
http://ugotfile.com/file/58588/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r01
http://ugotfile.com/file/58694/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r02
http://ugotfile.com/file/58579/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r03
http://ugotfile.com/file/58717/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r04
http://ugotfile.com/file/58697/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r05
http://ugotfile.com/file/58714/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r06
http://ugotfile.com/file/58735/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r07
http://ugotfile.com/file/58699/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r08
http://ugotfile.com/file/58557/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r09
http://ugotfile.com/file/58551/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r10
http://ugotfile.com/file/58600/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r11
http://ugotfile.com/file/58724/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r12
http://ugotfile.com/file/58602/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r13
http://ugotfile.com/file/58685/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r14
http://ugotfile.com/file/58715/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r15
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58533/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r25
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58558/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r41
http://ugotfile.com/file/58726/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r42
http://ugotfile.com/file/58555/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r43
http://ugotfile.com/file/58690/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r44
http://ugotfile.com/file/58674/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r45
http://ugotfile.com/file/58547/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r46
http://ugotfile.com/file/58597/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r47
http://ugotfile.com/file/58713/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r48
http://ugotfile.com/file/58712/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r49
http://ugotfile.com/file/58554/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r50
http://ugotfile.com/file/58549/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r51
http://ugotfile.com/file/58723/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r52
http://ugotfile.com/file/58591/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r53
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58695/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r56
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58721/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r79
http://ugotfile.com/file/58536/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r80
http://ugotfile.com/file/58740/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r81
http://ugotfile.com/file/58582/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd1-tl.r82
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58603/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r10
http://ugotfile.com/file/58509/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r11
http://ugotfile.com/file/58700/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r12
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58688/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r15
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58546/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r18
http://ugotfile.com/file/58733/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r19
http://ugotfile.com/file/58707/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r20
http://ugotfile.com/file/58572/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r21
http://ugotfile.com/file/58706/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r22
http://ugotfile.com/file/58742/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r23
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http://ugotfile.com/file/58743/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r26
http://ugotfile.com/file/58604/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r27
http://ugotfile.com/file/58732/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r28
http://ugotfile.com/file/58532/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r29
http://ugotfile.com/file/58708/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r30
http://ugotfile.com/file/58644/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r31
http://ugotfile.com/file/58686/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r32
http://ugotfile.com/file/58709/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r33
http://ugotfile.com/file/58565/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r34
http://ugotfile.com/file/58514/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.r35
http://ugotfile.com/file/58680/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/58566/F.E.A.R 2 - PC dvd2-tl.sfv
http://ugotfile.com/file/58729/F.E.A.R 2 - PC tl.nfo
C&C Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC
This is the Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 single play expansion UPRISING. this game does not needs Red Alert 3 itself. so you dont need anything else to play this game.
System Requirements
* OS – Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista (32-bit)
* CPU – any Intel Core Duo machine;
* XP: Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2100+ or better
* Vista: Intel Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2800+ or better
* RAM – 1 GB
* Hard drive – at least 10 GB of free space
* Video – DirectX 9.0c compatible video card NVIDIA GeForce6800 or better, ATI Radeon X800 or better
* Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card* (Yamaha Xwave 512 is not supported)
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising Download File Size
5.5 GB
Electronic Arts
http://ugotfile.com/file/68197/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68199/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68205/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68204/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68208/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68210/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68211/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68214/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68215/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68218/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68217/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68220/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68224/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68225/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68227/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68229/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68230/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68231/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68232/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68233/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68234/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68238/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68241/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68240/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68245/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68244/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68246/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68247/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68251/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68256/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68254/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68255/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68261/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68259/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68262/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68260/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68263/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68264/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68266/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part39.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68265/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part40.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68267/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part41.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68268/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part42.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68269/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part43.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68270/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part44.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68272/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part45.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68271/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part46.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68273/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part47.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68277/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part48.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68275/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part49.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68274/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part50.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68276/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part51.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68280/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part52.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68286/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part53.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68278/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part54.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68281/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part55.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68279/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part56.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68284/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part57.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68285/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part58.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68283/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.part59.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69555/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC (Crack).rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/69556/CC Red Alert 3 - Uprising (2009) - PC.rar
Pass: megauploadforum.net
Combat Wings Battle of Britain (2009) - PC
There¿s something new in the air, and it¿s more than just the deadly hum of hundreds of German war planes¿ As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive on Britain, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat two new planes that will ensure their victory. You¿ll have to hold off the enemy in your Hurricane or Spitfire. If you survive, you¿ll be the first to fly England¿s last hope of defense into combat, the Hawker tornado and Westland Whirlwind to deliver a decisive blow to the German offensive.
* Twenty Five missions that tests your skills as a fighter pilot, tail gunner and AA gun commander
* Realistic damage and outstanding special effects
* Choose between arcade and flight simulator control modes, and the RAF or the Luftwaffe in multi-player mode
http://ugotfile.com/file/68389/Combat Wings Battle of Britain (2009) - PC.Part1.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68390/Combat Wings Battle of Britain (2009) - PC.Part2.rar
Pass: www.oyuncehennemi.com
Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Minimum System Requirements
· Windows XP or Windows Vista
· 2.0GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent. SSE capable processor required.
· 512MB RAM (1.0 GB for Windows Vista)
· 9.0 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space
· DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent.
· DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
· Keyboard and Mouse
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Recommended System Requirements
· Windows XP or Windows Vista
· 3.0GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent
· 1.0 GB RAM
· 9.0 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space
· 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or better
· DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
· Keyboard and Mouse
· Broadband Internet Connection
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Multiplayer Requirements
· 1.0 GB RAM required for Multiplayer and Skirmish
· Recommended System Requirements to support 6-8 player multiplayer and skirmish.
· Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported.
· Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers.
· LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.
http://ugotfile.com/file/68392/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68393/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68394/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68397/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68396/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68395/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68398/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68400/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68399/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68407/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68401/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68402/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68403/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68404/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68408/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68406/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68464/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68405/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68412/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68413/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68409/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68410/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68411/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68414/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68415/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68419/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68420/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68418/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68416/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68417/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68422/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68424/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68425/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68428/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68426/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68431/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68427/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68430/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68432/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part39.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68434/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part40.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68429/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part41.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68433/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part42.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68435/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part43.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68436/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part44.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68437/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part45.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68438/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part46.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68442/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part47.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68441/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part48.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68439/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part49.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68447/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part50.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68444/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part51.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68443/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part52.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68445/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part53.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68446/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part54.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68448/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part55.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68450/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part56.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68449/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part57.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68451/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part58.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68452/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part59.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68454/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part60.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68453/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part61.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68455/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part62.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68458/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part63.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68456/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part64.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68459/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part65.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68461/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part66.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68460/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part67.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68457/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part68.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68462/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part69.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/68463/Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts - PC.part70.rar
Pass: www.megauploadforum.lolco.net
Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC)
Supported OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista
Processor : Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
(Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or better
RAM: 1 GB Windows XP/2 GB Windows Vista
Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10.0-compliant video card or DirectX 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)*
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0-compliant sound card (5.1 sound card recommended)
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 libraries (included on disc)
Hard Drive Space: 8 GB
Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: ATI RADEON X1600*/1650*-1950/HD 2000/3000 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800*/7/8/9
http://ugotfile.com/file/60263/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.001
http://ugotfile.com/file/60260/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.002
http://ugotfile.com/file/60259/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.003
http://ugotfile.com/file/60262/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.004
http://ugotfile.com/file/60261/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.005
Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC)
Recommended System:
Windows XP/Vista, Intel Core 2 Duo /AMD Athlon 64 X2,
2GB RAM, nVidia GeForce 8800 /ATI Radeon X2800,
6GB hard disk space
Minimum System:
Windows XP/Vista,Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon XP,
1GB RAM,nVidia GeForce 7800 /ATI Radeon X1800,
6GB hard disk space
http://ugotfile.com/file/61146/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61149/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61150/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61147/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61148/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61152/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61153/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61154/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61157/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61155/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61158/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61156/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61159/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61160/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61161/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61163/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61162/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61164/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61165/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61168/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61166/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61167/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61169/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61170/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61171/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/74795/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part26.rar
Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC)
Game Notes
Drakensang brings back epic party-based RPG gameplay in a breathtakingly
detailed world, based on one of the world’s biggest pen and paper
franchises. With incredible eye for detail, the world of Aventuria comes
alive on the PC in state-of-the-art 3D graphics that bring to life the epic
vistas and stunning variety of this one-of-a-kind fantasy world. Drakensang
The Dark Eye is the first PC adaptation of Germany’s most popular and
long-standing pen and paper RPG franchise in 10 years. In the last twenty
years a thriving community of millions has grown, as the fantasy universe of
Aventuria has been expanded in books, board and computer games
Install Notes
1. Extract rars
2. Mount or Burn image
3. Install
4. Copy crack to install folder
5. Play
Minimum System requirements
* Microsoft Windows
* Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or equivalent
* 1024 MB (XP)/1536 MB (Vista) or 2048 MB (Vista 64) RAM
* 256 MB nVidia GeForce 6600 GT or similar
* DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
* 6 GB hard disk drive space
http://ugotfile.com/file/61135/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61136/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61137/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61107/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61118/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61124/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61123/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61134/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61138/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61105/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61111/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61119/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61106/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61131/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61125/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61121/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61113/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61104/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61133/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61116/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61129/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61122/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61120/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61114/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61141/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61130/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61142/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61132/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61110/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61126/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61103/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61117/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61128/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61102/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61140/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61139/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61112/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61127/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61115/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part39.rar
Password Download: rotam
Tomb Raider Underworld (PC
For generations, stories have been told of the fearsome weapon of Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Legend holds that Thor’s hammer had the power to smash mountains into valleys and to destroy even the gods. For more than a thousand years it has existed only as a myth...until now. In an ancient ruin on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, Lara Croft uncovers proof of the Norse underworld and the mythical hammer. As she attempts to unravel the secrets behind these myths, Lara’s perilous journey leads her toward a forgotten power that, if unleashed,could lay waste to all civilization.
General Features:
* Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
* Explore epic and unknown worlds: Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
* Treacherous and unpredictable challenges: Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved.
* New range of combat options: Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
* New state-of-the-art gear: Utilize the latest technology in Lara's upgraded inventory to navigate the world
http://ugotfile.com/file/65304/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65303/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65305/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65310/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65307/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65306/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65309/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65308/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65313/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65317/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65312/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65311/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65314/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65316/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65321/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65318/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65315/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65320/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65319/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65325/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65322/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65323/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65324/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65399/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65400/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65327/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65342/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65326/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65328/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65329/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65330/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65331/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65332/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65333/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65334/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65335/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65337/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65338/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65336/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part39.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65339/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part40.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65340/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part41.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65341/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part42.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65357/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part43.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65343/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part44.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65345/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part45.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65344/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part46.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65346/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part47.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65347/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part48.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65349/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part49.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65348/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part50.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65351/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part51.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65350/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part52.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65355/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part53.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65352/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part54.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65353/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part55.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65354/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part56.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65356/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part57.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65358/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part58.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65361/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part59.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65363/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part60.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65367/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part61.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65373/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part62.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65377/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part63.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65378/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part64.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65382/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part65.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65381/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part66.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65401/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part67.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65383/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part68.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65385/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part69.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65384/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part70.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65386/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part71.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65387/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part72.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65388/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part73.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65389/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part74.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65390/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part75.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65391/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part76.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65392/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part77.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65395/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part78.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65394/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part79.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65396/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part80.rar
Password Download: By.TVLT
Supported OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista
Processor : Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
(Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or better
RAM: 1 GB Windows XP/2 GB Windows Vista
Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10.0-compliant video card or DirectX 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)*
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0-compliant sound card (5.1 sound card recommended)
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 libraries (included on disc)
Hard Drive Space: 8 GB
Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: ATI RADEON X1600*/1650*-1950/HD 2000/3000 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800*/7/8/9
http://ugotfile.com/file/60263/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.001
http://ugotfile.com/file/60260/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.002
http://ugotfile.com/file/60259/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.003
http://ugotfile.com/file/60262/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.004
http://ugotfile.com/file/60261/Shellshock 2 Blood Trails (PC).iso.005
Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC)
Recommended System:
Windows XP/Vista, Intel Core 2 Duo /AMD Athlon 64 X2,
2GB RAM, nVidia GeForce 8800 /ATI Radeon X2800,
6GB hard disk space
Minimum System:
Windows XP/Vista,Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon XP,
1GB RAM,nVidia GeForce 7800 /ATI Radeon X1800,
6GB hard disk space
http://ugotfile.com/file/61146/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61149/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61150/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61147/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61148/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61152/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61153/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61154/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61157/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61155/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61158/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61156/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61159/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61160/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61161/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61163/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61162/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61164/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61165/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61168/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61166/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61167/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61169/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61170/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61171/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/74795/Cryostasis - The Sleep Of Reason (PC).part26.rar
Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC)
Game Notes
Drakensang brings back epic party-based RPG gameplay in a breathtakingly
detailed world, based on one of the world’s biggest pen and paper
franchises. With incredible eye for detail, the world of Aventuria comes
alive on the PC in state-of-the-art 3D graphics that bring to life the epic
vistas and stunning variety of this one-of-a-kind fantasy world. Drakensang
The Dark Eye is the first PC adaptation of Germany’s most popular and
long-standing pen and paper RPG franchise in 10 years. In the last twenty
years a thriving community of millions has grown, as the fantasy universe of
Aventuria has been expanded in books, board and computer games
Install Notes
1. Extract rars
2. Mount or Burn image
3. Install
4. Copy crack to install folder
5. Play
Minimum System requirements
* Microsoft Windows
* Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or equivalent
* 1024 MB (XP)/1536 MB (Vista) or 2048 MB (Vista 64) RAM
* 256 MB nVidia GeForce 6600 GT or similar
* DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
* 6 GB hard disk drive space
http://ugotfile.com/file/61135/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61136/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61137/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61107/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61118/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61124/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61123/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61134/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61138/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61105/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61111/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61119/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61106/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61131/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61125/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61121/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61113/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61104/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61133/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61116/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61129/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61122/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61120/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61114/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61141/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61130/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61142/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61132/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61110/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61126/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61103/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61117/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61128/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61102/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61140/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61139/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61112/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61127/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/61115/Drakensang - The Dark Eye (PC).part39.rar
Password Download: rotam
Tomb Raider Underworld (PC
For generations, stories have been told of the fearsome weapon of Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Legend holds that Thor’s hammer had the power to smash mountains into valleys and to destroy even the gods. For more than a thousand years it has existed only as a myth...until now. In an ancient ruin on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, Lara Croft uncovers proof of the Norse underworld and the mythical hammer. As she attempts to unravel the secrets behind these myths, Lara’s perilous journey leads her toward a forgotten power that, if unleashed,could lay waste to all civilization.
General Features:
* Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
* Explore epic and unknown worlds: Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
* Treacherous and unpredictable challenges: Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved.
* New range of combat options: Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
* New state-of-the-art gear: Utilize the latest technology in Lara's upgraded inventory to navigate the world
http://ugotfile.com/file/65304/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part01.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65303/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part02.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65305/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part03.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65310/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part04.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65307/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part05.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65306/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part06.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65309/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part07.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65308/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part08.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65313/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part09.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65317/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part10.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65312/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part11.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65311/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part12.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65314/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part13.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65316/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part14.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65321/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part15.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65318/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part16.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65315/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part17.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65320/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part18.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65319/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part19.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65325/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part20.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65322/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part21.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65323/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part22.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65324/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part23.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65399/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part24.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65400/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part25.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65327/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part26.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65342/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part27.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65326/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part28.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65328/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part29.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65329/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part30.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65330/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part31.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65331/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part32.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65332/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part33.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65333/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part34.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65334/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part35.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65335/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part36.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65337/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part37.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65338/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part38.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65336/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part39.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65339/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part40.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65340/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part41.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65341/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part42.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65357/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part43.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65343/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part44.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65345/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part45.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65344/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part46.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65346/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part47.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65347/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part48.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65349/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part49.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65348/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part50.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65351/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part51.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65350/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part52.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65355/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part53.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65352/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part54.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65353/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part55.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65354/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part56.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65356/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part57.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65358/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part58.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65361/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part59.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65363/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part60.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65367/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part61.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65373/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part62.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65377/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part63.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65378/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part64.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65382/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part65.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65381/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part66.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65401/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part67.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65383/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part68.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65385/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part69.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65384/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part70.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65386/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part71.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65387/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part72.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65388/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part73.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65389/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part74.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65390/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part75.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65391/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part76.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65392/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part77.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65395/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part78.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65394/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part79.rar
http://ugotfile.com/file/65396/Tomb Raider Underworld (PC).part80.rar
Password Download: By.TVLT
Postingan (Atom)